fail-safe questions to ask in your interview
Posted on Sunday, July 1, 2018 by Jen Wright — No comments
We’ve all been there, the end of the interview, you can finally breathe and you’re feeling positive. Your dream job is within your grasp… and then comes the dreaded;
“So, do you have any questions for us?”
You’re stomach lurches and you look back at their expectant faces in the hope that some intelligent questions are going to spring miraculously to mind. Time is passing, and yet nothing is being said. It’s becoming more awkward because you can only look thoughtful for a short amount of time before your cluelessness become apparent.
Don’t worry, Spider are here to help you.
Here are 5 perfect questions to ask at the end on interview, making you seem enthusiastic, inquisitive and an overall impressive candidate –
“How would you describe your company culture?”
This is an excellent one, you can get to know a little bit about the teams, and you seem confident in your approach to the interview overall.
“Is there anything I could have improved on at this interview?”
This shows an interest in self-improvement. Any feedback the interviewer gives you will be useful in any future interviews you experience.
“How do you think I could positively support the existing team here?”
This is a clever way of inviting your interviewer to re-enforce your good qualities. Never a bad thing! You can also find out more about the expectations of the role.
“Does the company have any plans for expansion over the next 5 years?”
You will never go wrong with this one. This shows a real interest in the company and the future of the business.
“What is the next step in this application process?”
This the essential last question, giving you the chance to find out how many other candidates are in the running. It also shows you’re keen to know the outcome of your application.
So, just memorise these 5 fail-safe questions, and you’ll always come across positively at the end of your interviews.
All the best from Team Spider!